Are You Spending $13 Billion Dollars a Year on Pornography?

Renewal CenterAddiction

hundred dollar bills

One of the central beliefs of men struggling with pornography is that they think they are alone. It is this feeling of being the only one that struggles and no one would understand that isolates them from other people, and more importantly it isolates them from getting the help they need to break free from pornography’s grip. They may feel … Read More

Our Culture’s Double Standard on Sex

Renewal CenterAddiction

xxx porn sign

As I mentioned in a previous blog, sex addiction is on the rise at an alarming rate and you only need to watch the evening news for a few nights before that becomes evident. But what might not be so evident is why sex addiction is on the rise. I’d like to touch on two recent news stories to help … Read More

Are You Addicted? You Might Be Surprised

Renewal CenterAddiction

texting while driving

According to, addiction is defined as the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, such as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma. When most people think of an addict images of the crazed junky on the evening news, or perhaps the bum with … Read More